Darkness Falls Over The Sound
I’m back from my week long trip to the Outer Banks of North Carolina and the trip was wonderful! I captured some amazing images, now it’s time to process all those images and share them all. 🙂
This is one I took over the Roanoke Sound just after sunset it’s a long exposure (30 seconds) taken at a pretty high ISO (3200) using my Canon 6D. I love the colors and the mood of this photo, plus there are the stars in the upper right corner, the reflections in the water.

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I’ve decided to add some of the photo’s from this trip to my eBook “Photographing Bodies Of Water” the book will be released in the near future. The book is a story of my journeys and trips photographing different parts of the coast, rivers, streams, ponds and lakes. Along the way in the book I give tips to beginners looking to improve their photography, tips like gear selection, tips on composing photographs and post processing tips.