Photo Share – Cattle Sunrise
It was another cold and windy morning when I took this photograph on the Blue Ridge Parkway near Devil’s Backbone. The cattle were out and about in the 20mph wind and 30 degree temperature, they didn’t seem to mind the weather or that I was photographing them.
This one was taken with the Canon 6D using the 17-40mm F4L F16 and ISO 100, to create 7 exposures which were edited using Photomatix and Google NIK Collection. When working in the wind there are a few things to remember make sure your tripod is sound and secure. Use the hook to add some extra weight to the base of your tripod if the wind is really bad. I tend to use my own body to try and shield my tripod from the wind which doesn’t always work. Another thing to remember is to catch a few exposures at a really fast shutter speed to make sure you have anything that will move ( ex. tree limbs, flowers, flags, etc..) in focus and perfectly still.
On a side note I really need to find some photography gloves! If anyone out there has a suggestion on gloves drop me a comment or email me at nfirebaugh@gmail.com.

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