Category Archives: Canon 6D

Spring Is On The Way!

By | Canon 6D, Floral, Photography, Photography Blog | No Comments

Well I at least hope so… Next weekend my family and I will be visiting Savannah, GA for the first time.  My camera gear and I are hoping for nice blue skies, warm temps and we would even possibly allow one thunderstorm.  I have been doing some research on spots to visit and that list continues to grow from lighthouses, churches, piers, forts, the list goes on and on.  My plan is to capture as many as possible some during the day and others at night, of course I will be posting a few photographs during the week 🙂 to give you guys a sneak peek of my travels.


Here’s a photograph I took this week using a slightly different approach from my normal Floral Photography. I took this using a Canon 17-40mm F4L lens and 13mm extension tube using my Canon 6D.  If you use anything larger than the 13mm extension tube you will have problems focusing the lens. But the result was a daffodil that is just in your face because the flower is filling pretty much the whole frame.







The Sun Setting Over The Hill

By | Canon 6D, Canon HDR Photography, HDR Photography, Virginia | No Comments



Just Another Sunset

I had a great time with the Exposure Roanoke group on a photo walk at the Greenfield Center in Botetourt,VA. The theme for the walk was bird photography,  as we walked around the lake we identified birds and took some photographs. But before long my eyes left the bird scene and began to wonder around the landscape. The rolling hills made for some different photographs and I captured a few that I think are worth sharing. Below is one of the sun setting just behind the tree over the hill. This was a 7exp bracket using my Canon 6D which was then edited in Photomatix Pro (my favorite HDR software), Lightroom, Photoshop, and Topaz Adjust. This also was a good test for my new tripod from 3 Legged Thing so far I like it. 🙂



Historic Hillsborough North Caolina

By | Canon 6D, Canon HDR Photography, HDR Photography, North Carolina | No Comments

Burwell School


My son has been playing travel hockey this season, which has meant a few trips to North Carolina. These trips have allowed me to visit some new places and take a few good photographs of some historic locations. This past weekend we visited Hillsborough, NC and one of the places we stopped was the Burwell School which dates back to the 1800’s.  This house was once the home of the Burwell family and also Elizabeth Keckly (Keckley) who was a very successful business woman and created 19th century dresses for many prominent people in the US. To learn more about this historic site in North Carolina please visit this site Below is an HDR image I shot inside the house which I left at a slight angle because I liked the feel of the picture. Some may disagree on this decision but hey why not try new things and try to stand out? This was created using a 5exp bracket shot using my Canon 6D and my Promote Control the processing was done in Photomatix Pro, Lightroom 4 and Topaz Adjust.


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Snowy Weather In The Roanoke Valley

By | Canon 6D, HDR Photography, Photography, Virginia | No Comments


Crazy Weather In Virginia

Man the weather sure has been weird lately…. a mixture of snow, 70 degree days, more snow, 6″ of rain and more snow….  I’m really not sure what to think about all of this. But on the photography side of things it has allowed me some warm days to get out and capture some sunsets and sunrises. After the first snow storm I went out to capture the sunrise with the fresh snow on the ground and sticking to the tree limbs the final image was one of the best so far in 2013 and was featured on the front page of the Salem Times Register on February 7, 2013.


Sun and Snow

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Shooting HDR With The Canon 6D

By | Canon 6D, HDR Photography | No Comments

We had some great weather this past weekend which allowed me to get out in downtown Roanoke,VA and shoot some HDR photographs with my Canon 6D. I have yet to use the in camera HDR function and have continued my normal 5 exposure routine using my Promote Control with the 6D. The results I think were great but I will let my audience and fans decide on that one.


Taubman Art Museum Roanoke,VA

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Which brings me to another point Photography in general seems to be a funny thing… in my views you have two types of photographers  the ones who live and die by the golden rules of Photography.  These people always follow the holy grail like  the rules of thirds, most of these dislike HDR photographs  etc. Then there are Photographers like myself who create not to impress other Photographers but to create images for the pure sense of creation, or maybe it’s an experiment to try something a different way. I try to create images that will grab a users attention whether that be by using lots of color saturation or HDR to make usual scenes seem unusual.  If we all followed the same rules and thoughts… what would be the difference in photographs? The angle something was shot at? The camera that was used to capture the image? My advice to anyone in photography is to create what you WANT to create, yes there are rules for photography and if you break these rules you may be frowned upon by some, but don’t let that influence your vision. Create for your audience be it big or small, push yourself harder with each shot or each edit, and don’t be afraid to try new techniques!

Sports Photography Using HDR Composite Images

By | Canon 6D, Composite Photography, HDR Photography, Photography | One Comment

Well as promised I will be doing more portraits this year, my thinking was to combine my art work with people to create one of a kind images that you can’t get from just anyone.  Sports Photography will be one thing that I’m going to push towards allowing your kids or athletes to become superstars by turning up the normal sports photographs a few notches. Here’s an example using my son Alex as a model and baseball as the sport. The HDR background was taken at a local baseball field the kids used this past season. Then the model or subject photograph is taken in a studio setting but this could be taken anywhere using a solid background and with enough space using soft boxes and speed lights.  If you have any questions about my work or if you’re interested in having portraits like this taken feel free to contact me at .

